

Hormone Therapy

by Matt Stemley Did you go through hormone therapy as part of your cancer treatment?  Read this to understand some important ways that WE can help YOU! Hormonal treatment is common in cancers that are hormonally driven such as breast, ovarian and [...]

May 2nd, 2021|

Let’s chat Flexibility!

As warmer temperatures approach, and we start becoming more active outside, we often forget about certain aspects of our fitness. One is flexibility. During the summer, I cannot tell you how many times I hear about people working outside and being active [...]

April 20th, 2021|

Food as Fuel

by Kaleb Holbrook The increase in awareness and overall understanding of food within society is becoming more common among the population. It seems as though more people are looking at nutrition labels on food products more so than ever. This awareness has [...]

April 13th, 2021|

Spot Reduction!

We are getting to warm weather and vacation season, which is just the best time of year, BUT we start to hear the phrase “Summer body” or “bikini body” way too much!! We immediately start looking in the mirror to find our [...]

April 1st, 2021|

